Our networks are built on trust, knowledge and focus.
Terri Campbell
I have been teaching and learning in classrooms for 35 years. Like the teachers I work with, I am driven by questions such as: ‘What matters most to student learning?’ , ‘What is the best way to do this?’, ‘How does it all fit together?’ , and ‘How do I know that I am doing the right work?’ . While these are not easy questions to address, when you work with clarity, honesty and a sense of purpose and focus, the results are astounding.
I have worked in leadership roles, but it is when I am in the classroom that I do my best work. I believe that the power in education today is creating a connected world of professional learning where teachers can learn from each other to do the right work and celebrate the joy and empowerment of learning for all.
My work has been largely shaped by scope, diversity and a passion for learning:
Consulting: since 2002 across hundreds of primary and secondary schools and across all sectors. Working internationally for 7 years in New York City for the NYC DOE, and presenting workshops for an international school in China.
Partnering: creating networks including establishing the University of Melbourne Network of School project which connected over 100 schools throughout Victoria as they engaged in a 3-year project.
Tom Campbell
Since I first entered a classroom as a teacher, 35 years ago, I have focused on learning and keys to improving it. Whether it is inside the classroom, during extra-curricular activities or at planning meetings, I seek to explore research-based ideas and concepts that can bring about real change in our schools. Keeping abreast of worldwide trends and research and continually connecting across all sectors [ and drawing this back to it’s relevance in the classroom] is a passion of mine.
I am as interested in the ‘big picture’ of education, as the small details.. Research is important; evidence is important; growth and improvement are important. However, only if it brings about changes within the classroom, and more specifically, individual students.
During my career as a teacher, leader and consultant, I have been fortunate to be mentored by highly skilled and passionate professionals. It is this wisdom that I bring to my work, coupled with the breadth of my experience working across sectors locally, nationally and internationally.
I enjoy moving between the many domains in education – mentoring and coaching for classroom improvement, mentoring and coaching leaders, connecting schools through establishing networks. Key to my work is the notion that when schools are engaged in deep professional learning that challenges them to provide evidence, achievements can be astounding. My work also includes a mutually constructed plan and a process for review of practice that will ensure longevity of high achievements.
Consultancy experience includes:
10 years mentoring leaders of all levels.
7 years in New York City working alongside teachers and students and running school, district and citywide workshops focused on literacy practices in the classroom.
12 years consulting and conducting workshops on literacy practices in Victorian and Queensland schools.
6 years in partnership with The University of Melbourne establishing the Network of Schools (UMNOS)
Beliefs that guide us
Build relationships and move through sharing to challenging.
Focus on learning and growth, set actions, seek feedback, keep evolving.
Use an evidence-based mindset and refer to research to guide decision making.
Make thinking visible through metacognition. Celebrate learning and success